Monday, April 29, 2019

Let's float this boat

We applied our graphics and lettering!  It is a simple thing but one that has big impact in my opinion.  I'm excited about it.  The old lettering was faded so it was time to replace it.  We spent a lot of time
The Big Reveal!

Friday, April 19, 2019

Old windows walk the plank

Rich just completed one of our biggest boat projects to-date.  Leopard catamarans have a well-known problem with leaking salon windows.  The original factory installation
You are so outta here!

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Back in the boat yard

We've been back in New Zealand for a month working on our boat. It is sitting at the same boatyard in the exact location where it was last year. We are close to finishing the projects that must be done here in the yard. When it's sunny we work on outside projects and when it rains there's plenty to do inside. Here's a few of those we've finished:

Removing the old length markings