Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Whale Swim Bust!

We just picked up anchor and we're leaving Numoka Iki for a small island called Tokulu.  I doubt we will have internet for a while out there. The cell service here isn't so hot for uploading photos.
Rich on the look out for whales!
We hired Whale Discoveries to take us out for a whale swim.  Unfortunately none of the whales were interested in staying around with us.  It was an overcast day and we noticed that the whales weren't out playing when the sun isn't out.  I was happy that we did find whales at four different times.  I had my full wetsuit on the entire time and I was freezing.  The wind was blowing and without the sun to warm us up it was miserable.  

The boat was a large inflatable type, low to the water.  

Rich and one of our guides.
We jumped in the water 3 times before lunch and each time the whales swam away. After lunch we followed four different groups of whales but they kept moving never staying put for us to get in and attempt to interact. Needless to say we were extremely bummed. We did find a pod of spinner dolphins!

Without the sun the water was murky and the whales were down deep.
As for underwater photos........  This was it.  Murky whales and our fins!
Our fins!

Our friends on Mango Moon went out with Whale Discoveries and had the completely opposite experience. Lisa sent me her close up underwater photos and I included them below. Thank you Lisa!  They are just amazing. Rich and I are not giving up. We will have our moment with the whales!!!

I love seeing their eye. 
Mom and her calf.

To see all of our whale photos visit Tonga 2018 Whales

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